[slurm-users] Determining Cluster Usage Rate

Diego Zuccato diego.zuccato at unibo.it
Fri May 14 08:45:34 UTC 2021

Il 14/05/21 10:24, Ole Holm Nielsen ha scritto:

> Referring to https://slurm.schedmd.com/tres.html, which TRES are defined 
> on your cluster?
It just doesn't recognize 'ALL'. It works if I specify the resources.

root at str957-cluster:/var/log# sacctmgr show tres
     Type            Name     ID
-------- --------------- ------
      cpu                      1
      mem                      2
   energy                      3
     node                      4
  billing                      5
       fs            disk      6
     vmem                      7
    pages                      8
root at str957-cluster:/var/log# sreport -t percent -T ALL cluster utilization
sreport: fatal: No valid TRES given
root at str957-cluster:/var/log# sreport -t percent -T cpu,mem cluster 
Cluster Utilization 2021-05-13T00:00:00 - 2021-05-13T23:59:59
Usage reported in Percentage of Total
   Cluster      TRES Name    Allocated     Down PLND Dow        Idle 
Reserved     Reported
--------- -------------- ------------ -------- -------- ----------- 
-------- ------------
       oph            cpu       81.93%    0.00%    0.00%      15.85% 
2.22%      100.00%
       oph            mem       80.60%    0.00%    0.00%      19.40% 
0.00%      100.00%


Diego Zuccato
DIFA - Dip. di Fisica e Astronomia
Servizi Informatici
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
V.le Berti-Pichat 6/2 - 40127 Bologna - Italy
tel.: +39 051 20 95786

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