[slurm-users] [External] Is it possible to set a default QOS per partition?

Stack Korora stackkorora at disroot.org
Tue Mar 2 00:55:00 UTC 2021

On 3/1/21 4:26 PM, Prentice Bisbal wrote:
> Two things:
> 1. So your users are okay with specifying a partition, but specifying 
> a QOS is a bridge too far?

*sigh* Yeah. It's been requested several times. I can't defend it, but 
if it makes them happy...then they will find something else to complain 
about. (kidding... mostly :-D )

> 2. Have your job_submit.lua script filter the jobs into the correct 
> QOS. You can check the partition and set the QOS accordingly.
> First, you need to have this set in your slurm.conf:
> JobSubmitPlugins=job_submit/lua
> But I'm pretty sure that's the default setting.
> Since it looks like your partitions and corresponding QOSes have the 
> same names, you can just add this line to the slurm_job_submit 
> function body in your job_submit.lua script:
>   job_desc.qos = job_desc.partition
> And voila! Problem solved.
> After editing job_submit.lua, you'll need to restart slurmctld for the 
> changes to take effect. Also, it's a good idea to 'tail -f' 
> slurmctld.log while restarting - any errors with the syntax will be 
> printed there, and if there's any errors in that file, slumctld won't 
> start. 

Thank you! A great idea. I will give this a try.


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