[slurm-users] Long term archiving

Yair Yarom irush at cs.huji.ac.il
Tue Jun 29 07:19:25 UTC 2021

Thanks Paul,

How many nodes/users do you have? Have you tried upgrading the database
between slurm versions? If so, how long did it take?

On Mon, Jun 28, 2021 at 5:53 PM Paul Edmon <pedmon at cfa.harvard.edu> wrote:

> We keep 6 months in our active database and then we archive and purge
> anything older than that.  The archive data itself is available for
> reimport and historical investigation.  We've done this when importing
> historical data into XDMod.
> -Paul Edmon-
> On 6/28/2021 10:43 AM, Yair Yarom wrote:
> Hi list,
> I was wondering if you could share your long term archiving practices.
> We currently purge and archive the jobs after 31 days, and keep the usage
> data without purging. This gives us a reasonable history, and a downtime of
> "only" a few hours on database upgrade. We currently don't load the
> archives into a secondary db.
> We now have a use-case which might require us to save job information for
> more than that, and we're considering how to do that.
> Thanks in advance,
> --
>   /|       |
>   \/       | Yair Yarom | System Group (DevOps)
>   []       | The Rachel and Selim Benin School
>   [] /\    | of Computer Science and Engineering
>   []//\\/  | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
>   [//  \\  | T +972-2-5494522 | F +972-2-5494522
>   //    \  | irush at cs.huji.ac.il
>  //        |


  /|       |
  \/       | Yair Yarom | System Group (DevOps)
  []       | The Rachel and Selim Benin School
  [] /\    | of Computer Science and Engineering
  []//\\/  | The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  [//  \\  | T +972-2-5494522 | F +972-2-5494522
  //    \  | irush at cs.huji.ac.il
 //        |
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