[slurm-users] Weird one - deleting a user

Bill Wichser bill at princeton.edu
Tue Jul 27 20:47:24 UTC 2021

[root at della5 bill]# sacctmgr -i delete user mable
  Error with request: Job(s) active, cancel job(s) before remove
   JobID = 602995     C = tukey      A = politics   U = mable

Yup, when a user has an active job they cannot be deleted from the 
database.  The thing is, this cluster tukey has been offline for maybe 5 
years now. Probably more.

I don't want to lose the old records in the database.  Is there a way to 

Hey, that job you believe is still running on tukey, well it doesn't 
exist anymore so please close this job


I haven't figured out a way to do this outside the database so suspect 
that only DB manipulation is the only answer.


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