[slurm-users] slumctld don't start at boot

Riccardo Sucapane riccardo.sucapane at uniroma1.it
Fri Jul 23 10:29:22 UTC 2021

Hello everyone,
I am using Slurm as a workload manager on a system
with a master and 3 nodes.
The operating system used is the recent rocky linux 8.4
while for slurm, is used the version 20.11.8 taken from EPEL
Everything works correctly and when the system is started the command
"systemctl start slurmctld" works fine, but at boot the daemon
slurmctld does not start on the master machine, reporting a series of
Without reporting all the slurmctld.log the recurring error is the

[2021-07-23T09:58:01.932] error: get_addr_info: getaddrinfo() failed: Name
or service not known
[2021-07-23T09:58:01.932] error: slurm_set_addr: Unable to resolve "blade01"
[2021-07-23T09:58:01.932] error: slurm_get_port: Address family '0' not
[2021-07-23T09:58:01.932] error: _set_slurmd_addr: failure on blade01

In this case I have set it in the slurm.conf file, for simplicity,
"AccountingStorageType=accounting_storage/none", but also using the
slurmdbd/mariadb support is all right with no problems, but slurmctld
still does not start on boot.
Also in the log reported blade01 is the hostname of one of the nodes.

I have already read some messages that reported a similar problem,
but none of the considerations I read helped me to overcome the problem.
Is there anyone who can help me find a solution?
Greetings to all

Riccardo Sucapane
Dip. MEMOTEF - Sapienza Università di Roma
Via del Castro Laurenziano, 9 - 00161 - Roma
Tel. 06 4976 6846

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