[slurm-users] Slurm version 21.08 is now available

Timo Rothenpieler timo.rothenpieler at uni-bremen.de
Fri Aug 27 13:48:00 UTC 2021

I'm immediately running into an issue when updating our Gentoo packages:

 > checking for netloc installation...
 > configure: error: unable to locate netloc installation

That happens even though --without-netloc was specified when configuring.

Looking at the following patch:
> https://github.com/SchedMD/slurm/commit/d7c089ec63c2c7608845b9b5f1881e3ca11a092b#diff-147f7e1072e8a7d65c0cd55f7cdec7835d531e5cf26a5e43e6ad04625694436bL23

I don't think that change removing the x is correct. Cause now that 
condition can never be true, and the script will always continue as if 
--with-netloc was given.

On 26/08/2021 22:40, Tim Wickberg wrote:
> After 9 months of development and testing we are pleased to announce the 
> availability of Slurm version 21.08!
> Slurm 21.08 includes a number of new features including:
> - A new "AccountingStoreFlags=job_script" option to store the job 
> scripts directly in SlurmDBD.
> - Added "sacct -o SubmitLine" format option to get the submit line of a 
> job/step.
> - Changes to the node state management so that nodes are marked as 
> PLANNED instead of IDLE if the scheduler is still accumulating resources 
> while waiting to launch a job on them.
> - RS256 token support in auth/jwt.
> - Overhaul of the cgroup subsystems to simplify operation, mitigate a 
> number of inherent race conditions, and prepare for future cgroup v2 
> support.
> - Further improvements to cloud node power state management.
> - A new child process of the Slurm controller called 'slurmscriptd' 
> responsible for executing PrologSlurmctld and EpilogSlurmctld scripts, 
> which significantly reduces performance issues associated with enabling 
> those options.
> - A new burst_buffer/lua plugin allowing for site-specific asynchronous 
> job data management.
> - Fixes to the job_container/tmpfs plugin to allow the slurmd process to 
> be restarted while the job is running without issue.
> - Added json/yaml output to sacct, squeue, and sinfo commands.
> - Added a new node_features/helpers plugin to provide a generic way to 
> change settings on a compute node across a reboot.
> - Added support for automatically detecting and broadcasting shared 
> libraries for an executable launched with 'srun --bcast'.
> - Added initial OCI container execution support with a new --container 
> option to sbatch and srun.
> - Improved job step launch throughput.
> - Improved "configless" support by allowing multiple control servers to 
> be specified through the slurmd --conf-server option, and send 
> additional configuration files at startup including cli_filter.lua.
> Please see the RELEASE_NOTES distributed alongside the source for 
> further details.
> Thank you to all customers, partners, and community members who 
> contributed to this release.
> As with past releases, the documentation available at 
> https://slurm.schedmd.com has been updated to the 21.08 release. Past 
> versions are available in the archive. This release also marks the end 
> of support for the 20.02 release. The 20.11 release will remain 
> supported up until the 22.05 release next May, but will not see as 
> frequent updates, and bug-fixes will be targeted for the 21.08 
> maintenance releases going forward.
> Slurm can be downloaded from https://www.schedmd.com/downloads.php .
> - Tim

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