[slurm-users] How to detect Job submission by srun / interactive jobs

Carlos Fenoy minibit at gmail.com
Tue May 19 09:08:58 UTC 2020


In lua you can check for the job_desc.script field to be empty:

if (job_desc.script == nil or job_desc.script == '') then


On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 4:07 PM Stephan Roth <stephan.roth at ee.ethz.ch>

> Dear all,
> Does anybody know of a way to detect whether a job is submitted with
> srun, preferrably in job_submit.lua?
> The goal is to allow interactive jobs only on specific partitions.
> Any recommendation or best practice on how to handle interactive jobs is
> welcome.
> Thank you,
> Stephan

Carles Fenoy
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