[slurm-users] Job Step Resource Requests are Ignored

Maria Semple maria at rstudio.com
Wed May 6 18:16:47 UTC 2020

Hi Chris,

I think my question isn't quite clear, but I'm also pretty confident the
answer is no at this point. The idea is that the script is sort of like a
template for running a job, and an end user can submit a custom job with
their own desired resource requests which will end up filling in the
template. I'm not in control of the Slurm cluster that will ultimately run
the job, nor the details of the job itself. For example, template-job.sh
might look like this:

srun -c 1 --mem=1k echo "Preamble"
srun -c <CPUs> --mem=<Memory>m /bin/sh -c <user's shell script>
srun -c 1 --mem=1k echo "Postamble"

My goal is that even if the user requests 10 CPUs when the cluster only has
4 available, the Preamble and Postamble steps will always run. But as I
said, it seems like that's not possible since the maximum number of CPUs
needs to be set on the sbatch allocation and the whole job would be
rejected on the basis that too many CPUs were requested. Is that correct?

On Tue, May 5, 2020, 11:13 PM Chris Samuel <chris at csamuel.org> wrote:

> On Tuesday, 5 May 2020 11:00:27 PM PDT Maria Semple wrote:
> > Is there no way to achieve what I want then? I'd like the first and last
> job
> > steps to always be able to run, even if the second step needs too many
> > resources (based on the cluster).
> That should just work.
> #!/bin/bash
> #SBATCH -c 2
> #SBATCH -n 1
> srun -c 1 echo hello
> srun -c 4 echo big wide
> srun -c 1 echo world
> gives:
> hello
> srun: Job step's --cpus-per-task value exceeds that of job (4 > 2). Job
> step
> may never run.
> srun: error: Unable to create step for job 604659: More processors
> requested
> than permitted
> world
> > As a side note, do you know why it's not even possible to restrict the
> > number of resources a single step uses (i.e. set less CPUs than are
> > available to the full job)?
> My suspicion is that you've not set up Slurm to use cgroups to restrict
> the
> resources a job can use to just those requested.
> https://slurm.schedmd.com/cgroups.html
> All the best,
> Chris
> --
>   Chris Samuel  :  http://www.csamuel.org/  :  Berkeley, CA, USA
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