[slurm-users] Node can't run simple job when STATUS is up and STATE is idle

Chris Samuel chris at csamuel.org
Tue Jan 21 05:32:43 UTC 2020

On 20/1/20 3:00 pm, Dean Schulze wrote:

> There's either a problem with the source code I cloned from github, or 
> there is a problem when the controller runs on Ubuntu 19 and the node 
> runs on CentOS 7.7.  I'm downgrading to a stable 19.05 build to see if 
> that solves the problem.

I've run the master branch on a Cray XC without issues, and I concur 
with what the others have said and suggest it's worth checking the 
slurmd and slurmctld logs to find out why communications is not right 
between them.

Good luck,
  Chris Samuel  :  http://www.csamuel.org/  :  Berkeley, CA, USA

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