[slurm-users] Longer queuing times for larger jobs

Chris Samuel chris at csamuel.org
Thu Feb 13 07:27:40 UTC 2020

On 5/2/20 1:44 pm, Antony Cleave wrote:

> Hi, from what you are describing it sounds like jobs are backfilling in 
> front and stopping the large jobs from starting

We use a feature that SchedMD implemented for us called 
"bf_min_prio_reserve" which lets you set a priority threshold below 
which Slurm won't make a forward reservation for a job (and so can only 
start if it can start right now without delaying other jobs).


So if you can arrange your local priority system so that large jobs are 
over that threshold and smaller jobs are below it (or whatever suits 
your use case) then you should have a way to let these large jobs get a 
reliable start time without smaller jobs pushing them back in time.

There's some useful background from the bug where this was implemented:


All the best,
  Chris Samuel  :  http://www.csamuel.org/  :  Berkeley, CA, USA

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