[slurm-users] sacct does always print all jobs regardless filter parameters with accounting_storage/filetxt

Dr. Thomas Orgis thomas.orgis at uni-hamburg.de
Sun Feb 2 14:24:12 UTC 2020

Am Fri, 31 Jan 2020 20:57:16 -0800
schrieb Chris Samuel <chris at csamuel.org>: 

> You're using a very very very old version of slurm there (15.08)

Well, that's what happens when an application gets into the mainstream
and is included in the OS distribution. On this cluster, we just try to
run with what Ubuntu LTS gives us. And I guess it is not atypical to
keep a base OS release during the lifetime of a cluster, while this one
already had 2 upgrades to newer LTS (another one probably should ivolve
a rebuilding of the cluster) …

You should get accustomed to people keeping asking questions about
_really_ outdated Slurm versons;-)

> should upgrade to a recent one (I'd suggest 19.05.5) to check whether 
> it's been fixed in the intervening years.

But this seems to confirm my suspicion that at least people were not
concerned that much with the simple text storage … otherwise it would
be better known if this works or not.

I tried running sacct from 19.05.5 on our config without touching the
running instance of Slurm and it at least doesn't complain.

The only difference I can see is that the default changed from showing
all jobs in the history to showing none. Adding -u and -j works, but
-N/-S/-E are still ignored. So apparently, during development of Slurm
the journey quickly moved on to database storage before people got
annoyed by long job lists, or the functionality got removed accidentally
after the plain text storage went out of fashion.

Well, since running a modern sacct directly on the old system works, I
might get around to hack in the missing matches. Any helpful pointers
before I blindly dig into the code?

Alrighty then,


Dr. Thomas Orgis
HPC @ Universität Hamburg

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