[slurm-users] Show detailed information from a finished job

mercan ahmet.mercan at uhem.itu.edu.tr
Thu Apr 23 09:43:45 UTC 2020

Sorry, I falsely crop the "mkdir" line at below:

mkdir -p $JDIR

I should be after "JDIR=/okyanus/..." line


Ahmet M.

23.04.2020 12:31 tarihinde mercan yazdı:
> Hi;
> I prefer to use epilog script to store the job information to a top 
> directory owned by the slurm user. To avoid a directory with a lot of 
> files, It creates a sub-directory for a thousand job file. For a job 
> which its jobid is 230988, It creates a directory named as 230XXX. 
> Also the SLURM_JOB_ID of a job array is a problem, because of the 
> slurm uses an ugly format (298903_[3%1]). Because of these reasons, my 
> script is little complex, but it works (I crop the other non-relevant 
> things):
> #!/bin/bash
> if [ "x$SLURM_ARRAY_JOB_ID" != "x" ]
> then
> else
> fi
> JI=${JOBNO//_*/}
> JWIDE=${#JI}
> JDIR=/okyanus/SLURM/log/jobs/${JI:0:$JIDLEN}XXX
> echo 
> "===========================================================================" 
> &>>$JDIR/${JI}.txt
> scontrol show job -dd "$JOBNO" &>>$JDIR/${JI}.txt && echo 
> "===========================================================================" 
> >>$JDIR/${JI}.txt && scontrol write batch_script "$SLURM_JOBID" -  
> >>$JDIR/${JI}.txt
> exit 0
> Regards;
> Ahmet M.
> 23.04.2020 10:33 tarihinde Gestió Servidors yazdı:
>> Hello,
>> When a job is “pending” or “running”, with “scontrol show 
>> jobid=#jobjumber” I can get some usefull information, but when the 
>> job has finished, that command doesn’t return anything. For example, 
>> if I run a “sacct” and I see that some jobs have finished with state 
>> “FAILED”, how can I get detailed information from that job?
>> Thanks.

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