[slurm-users] Header lengths are longer than data received after changing SelectType & GresTypes to use MPS

Christopher Samuel chris at csamuel.org
Wed Apr 8 04:08:25 UTC 2020

On 4/7/20 2:48 PM, Robert Kudyba wrote:

> How can I get this to work by loading the correct Bright module?

You can't - you will need to recompile Slurm.

The error says:

Apr 07 16:52:33 node001 slurmd[299181]: fatal: We were configured to 
autodetect nvml functionality, but we weren't able to find that lib when 
Slurm was configured.

So when Slurm was built the libraries you are telling it to use now were 
not detected and so the configure script disabled that functionality as 
it would not otherwise have been able to compile.

All the best,
   Chris Samuel  :  http://www.csamuel.org/  :  Berkeley, CA, USA

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