[slurm-users] account hiearchy question

Alain O' Miniussi alain.miniussi at oca.eu
Wed May 15 17:52:28 UTC 2019


I am trying to make sense of the following session:

[alainm at gemini ~]$ sacctmgr list account name=child1
   Account                Descr                  Org
---------- -------------------- --------------------
    child1               child1              parent1
[alainm at gemini ~]$ sacctmgr list account name=parent2
   Account                Descr                  Org
---------- -------------------- --------------------
   parent2              parent2              parent2
[alainm at gemini ~]$ sudo sacctmgr modify account name=child1 set parent=parent2
 Nothing modified
[alainm at gemini ~]$ sacctmgr list account name=child1
   Account                Descr                  Org
---------- -------------------- --------------------
    child1               child1              parent1
[alainm at gemini ~]$ sudo sacctmgr modify --immediate account name=child1 set Organization=parent2
 Modified accounts...
[alainm at gemini ~]$
[alainm at gemini ~]$ sacctmgr list account name=child1
   Account                Descr                  Org
---------- -------------------- --------------------
    child1               child1              parent2
[alainm at gemini ~]$

So, why does "parent" becomes Organization ? And when the sacctmgr documentation says:
> [accounts] may be arranged in a hierarchical fashion, for example accounts
> chemistry and physics may be children of the account science.  The  
> hierarchy may have an arbitrary depth.

Is the hierarchy defined by the account \in organization relationship ?

Also, should "nothing modified" be always considered an error message indicating the command did not make sense ?

Thanks for any input.


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