[slurm-users] salloc not able to run sbash script

Mahmood Naderan mahmood.nt at gmail.com
Mon Jun 17 17:28:38 UTC 2019

May I know why the user is not able to run a qemu interactive job?
According to the configuration which I made, everything should be fine.
Isn't that?

[valipour at rocks7 ~]$ salloc run_qemu.sh
salloc: Granted job allocation 1209
salloc: error: Unable to exec command "run_qemu.sh"
salloc: Relinquishing job allocation 1209
[valipour at rocks7 ~]$ cat run_qemu.sh
#SBATCH --nodelist=compute-0-1
#SBATCH --cores=8
#SBATCH --mem=40G
#SBATCH --partition=QEMU
#SBATCH --account=q20_8
qemu-system-x86_64 -m 40000 -cpu Opteron_G5 -smp cores=8 -hda
win7_sp1_x64.img -boot c -usbdevice tablet -enable-kvm -device
e1000,netdev=host_files -netdev user,net=,id=host_files,restrict=off,smb=/home/$USERN,smbserver=
[valipour at rocks7 ~]$ sacctmgr list association
format=user,account,partition,grptres | grep valipour
  valipour      local
  valipour      q20_8       qemu cpu=8,mem=40G
[valipour at rocks7 ~]$ rocks run host compute-0-1 "qemu-system-x86_64 -h |
head -n 1"
Warning: untrusted X11 forwarding setup failed: xauth key data not generated
QEMU emulator version 3.1.0
[valipour at rocks7 ~]$
[valipour at rocks7 ~]$ ls -l run_qemu.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 valipour valipour 387 Jun 17 21:38 run_qemu.sh

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