[slurm-users] srun: job steps and generic resources

Kraus, Sebastian sebastian.kraus at tu-berlin.de
Fri Dec 13 11:44:18 UTC 2019

Dear all,
I am facing the following nasty problem.
I use to start interactive batch jobs via:
srun -ppartition -N1 -n4 --time=00:30:00 --mem=1G -Jjobname --pty /bin/bash -il
Then, explicitly starting a job step within such a session via:
srun -l hostname
works fine.
But, as soon as I add a generic resource  to the job allocation as with:
srun -ppartition -N1 -n4 --gres=gpu:1 --time=00:30:00 --mem=1G -Jjobname --pty /bin/bash -il
an explict job step lauched as above via:
srun -l hostname
infinitely stalls/blocks.
Hope, anyone out there able to explain me this behavior.

Thanks and best

Sebastian Kraus
Team IT am Institut für Chemie

Technische Universität Berlin
Fakultät II
Institut für Chemie
Sekretariat C3
Straße des 17. Juni 135
10623 Berlin

Email: sebastian.kraus at tu-berlin.de

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