[slurm-users] new user simple question re sacct output line2

Jeffrey T Frey frey at udel.edu
Wed Nov 14 07:11:09 MST 2018

The identifier after the base numeric job id -- e.g. "batch" -- is the job step.  The "batch" step is where your job script executes.  Each time your job script calls "srun" a new numerical step is created, e.g. "82.0," "82.1," et al.  Job accounting captures information for the entire job (JobID = "82") and the individual steps.  All data points visible in sacct may or may not pertain or be captured for each individual step.

> On Nov 14, 2018, at 08:38 , Matthew Goulden <Matthew.Goulden at phe.gov.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> New to slurm; currently working up to move our system from uge/sge
> sacct output including the default headers is three lines, What is line 2 documenting? Most fields are blank.
> For most fields with values these are the same as for line 3:
> AllocCPUS,
> Elapsed,
> State,
> ExitCode,
> ReqMem,
> For some fields with values these are clearly related to that in line 3 (represented here as line1:line2:line3)
> JobID    :     82    :      82.batch
> JobIDRaw    :     82    :      82.batch
> For others the values are uniq to line 2:
> JobName    :     <jobName assigned to -J in sbatch script> :     batch
> Partition    :     all_slt_limit    :
> ReqCPUFreqMin    :     Unknown    :      0
> ReqCPUFreqMax    :     Unknown    :      0
> ReqCPUFreqGov    :     Unknown    :      0
> ReqTRES    :     billing=1,cpu=1,node=1    :      
> AllocTRES    :     billing=1,cpu=1,mem=125000M,node=1    :      cpu=1,mem=125000M,node=1
> I'm sure the documentation - which is excellent - details this but I've not found where; can someone give me the pointer I need?
> Many thanks
> Matt
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