[slurm-users] Seff error with Slurm-18.08.1

Mike Cammilleri mikec at stat.wisc.edu
Tue Nov 6 10:30:50 MST 2018

Thanks for this. We'll try the workaround script. It is not mission-critical but our users have gotten accustomed to seeing these metrics at the end of each run and its nice to have. We are currently doing this in a test VM environment, so by the time we actually do the upgrade to the cluster perhaps the fix will be available then.

Mike Cammilleri

Systems Administrator

Department of Statistics | UW-Madison

1300 University Ave | Room 1280
608-263-6673 | mikec at stat.wisc.edu

From: slurm-users <slurm-users-bounces at lists.schedmd.com> on behalf of Chris Samuel <chris at csamuel.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 6, 2018 5:03 AM
To: slurm-users at lists.schedmd.com
Subject: Re: [slurm-users] Seff error with Slurm-18.08.1

On 6/11/18 7:49 pm, Baker D.J. wrote:

> The good new is that I am assured by SchedMD that the bug has been fixed
> in v18.08.3.

Looks like it's fixed in this commmit.

commit 3d85c8f9240542d9e6dfb727244e75e449430aac
Author: Danny Auble <da at schedmd.com>
Date:   Wed Oct 24 14:10:12 2018 -0600

     Handle symbol resolution errors in the 18.08 slurmdbd.

     Caused by b1ff43429f6426c when moving the slurmdbd agent internals.

     Bug 5882.

> Having said that we will probably live with this issue
> rather than disrupt users with another upgrade so soon .

An upgrade to 18.08.3 from 18.08.1 shouldn't be disruptive though,
should it?  We just flip a symlink and the users see the new binaries,
libraries, etc immediately, we can then restart daemons as and when we
need to (in the right order of course, slurmdbd, slurmctld and then

All the best,
  Chris Samuel  :  http://www.csamuel.org/  :  Melbourne, VIC

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