[slurm-users] slurmdbd upgrade startup error

Tina Fora tfora at riseup.net
Tue Aug 14 09:53:11 MDT 2018

Hello All,

I compiled slurm from standard rpmbuild. Upgrading from 17.02 to 17.11.9-2
is giving the error below. I'm not sure what the issue is with accounting
storage plugin because it seems to load it ok. On the mysql failed query I
tried to run it manually and it returns sql syntax error (full error
below). Works fine on empty database but I need to upgrade our existing.
How can I debug this further to see what the issue is?

# slurmdbd -V
slurm 17.11.9-2
# slurmdbd -D -vvvv
slurmdbd: debug:  Log file re-opened
slurmdbd: debug3: Trying to load plugin /usr/lib64/slurm/auth_munge.so
slurmdbd: debug:  Munge authentication plugin loaded
slurmdbd: debug3: Success.
slurmdbd: debug3: Trying to load plugin
slurmdbd: debug2: mysql_connect() called for db slurmdb
slurmdbd: pre-converting job table for cluster
slurmdbd: adding column pack_job_id after id_group in table
slurmdbd: adding column pack_job_offset after pack_job_id in table
slurmdbd: adding column mcs_label after kill_requid in table
slurmdbd: adding column work_dir after wckey in table "cluster_job_table"
slurmdbd: adding key old_tuple (id_job, id_assoc, time_submit) to table
slurmdbd: adding key pack_job (pack_job_id) to table "cluster_job_table"
slurmdbd: debug:  Table "cluster_job_table" has changed.  Updating...
slurmdbd: error: mysql_query failed: 1062 Duplicate entry
'1042-1012321342' for key 'id_job'
alter table "cluster_job_table" modify `job_db_inx` bigint unsigned not
null auto_increment, modify `mod_time` bigint unsigned default 0 not null,
modify `deleted` tinyint default 0 not null, modify `account` tinytext,
modify `admin_comment` text, modify `array_task_str` text, modify
`array_max_tasks` int unsigned default 0 not null, modify
`array_task_pending` int unsigned default 0 not null, modify `cpus_req`
int unsigned not null, modify `derived_ec` int unsigned default 0 not
null, modify `derived_es` text, modify `exit_code` int unsigned default 0
not null, modify `job_name` tinytext not null, modify `id_assoc` int
unsigned not null, modify `id_array_job` int unsigned default 0 not null,
modify `id_array_task` int unsigned default 0xfffffffe not null, modify
`id_block` tinytext, modify `id_job` int unsigned not null, modify
`id_qos` int unsigned default 0 not null, modify `id_resv` int unsigned
not null, modify `id_wckey` int unsigned not null, modify `id_user` int
unsigned not null, modify `id_group` int unsigned not null, add
`pack_job_id` int unsigned not null after id_group, add `pack_job_offset`
int unsigned not null after pack_job_id, modify `kill_requid` int default
-1 not null, add `mcs_label` tinytext default '' after kill_requid, modify
`mem_req` bigint unsigned default 0 not null, modify `nodelist` text,
modify `nodes_alloc` int unsigned not null, modify `node_inx` text, modify
`partition` tinytext not null, modify `priority` int unsigned not null,
modify `state` int unsigned not null, modify `timelimit` int unsigned
default 0 not null, modify `time_submit` bigint unsigned default 0 not
null, modify `time_eligible` bigint unsigned default 0 not null, modify
`time_start` bigint unsigned default 0 not null, modify `time_end` bigint
unsigned default 0 not null, modify `time_suspended` bigint unsigned
default 0 not null, modify `gres_req` text not null default '', modify
`gres_alloc` text not null default '', modify `gres_used` text not null
default '', modify `wckey` tinytext not null default '', add `work_dir`
text not null default '' after wckey, modify `track_steps` tinyint not
null, modify `tres_alloc` text not null default '', modify `tres_req` text
not null default '', drop primary key, add primary key (job_db_inx), drop
index id_job, add unique index (id_job, time_submit), add key old_tuple
(id_job, id_assoc, time_submit), drop key rollup, add key rollup
(time_eligible, time_end), drop key rollup2, add key rollup2 (time_end,
time_eligible), drop key nodes_alloc, add key nodes_alloc (nodes_alloc),
drop key wckey, add key wckey (id_wckey), drop key qos, add key qos
(id_qos), drop key association, add key association (id_assoc), drop key
array_job, add key array_job (id_array_job), add key pack_job
(pack_job_id), drop key reserv, add key reserv (id_resv), drop key
sacct_def, add key sacct_def (id_user, time_start, time_end), drop key
sacct_def2, add key sacct_def2 (id_user, time_end, time_eligible);
slurmdbd: Accounting storage MYSQL plugin failed
slurmdbd: error: Couldn't load specified plugin name for
accounting_storage/mysql: Plugin init() callback failed
slurmdbd: error: cannot create accounting_storage context for
slurmdbd: fatal: Unable to initialize accounting_storage/mysql accounting
storage plugin

mysql error:
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual
that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to
use near '"cluster_job_table" modify `job_db_inx` bigint unsigned not null
auto_increment,' at line 1

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