

I would like to know if it would be possible to limit, using “sacctmgr”, use of a certain type of GPU according the name I have assigned in “gres.conf” file. For example, my small cluster has 3 GPUs nodes sharing 2 GPUs each one. Two of that GPUs are the same model but they are located in different servers. Because of my scenario, I would like to limit users to user only one of that GPU type and not allowing to use both of them.


For example:


What I want is users could user all of them but simultaniously, a user only could use one of the RTX3080.


Using QoS I have created a new “qos” with “sacctmgr add qos test-gpu-limit MaxTRESPerUser=gres/gpu=1”, but with this new QoS, users are limited to use only one GPU, even they need to use different GPUs models. I have tried with “sacctmgr add qos test-gpu-limit MaxTRESPerUser=gres/gpu:RTX3080:1” but system returns this error “sacctmgr: error: slurmdb_format_tres_str: no TRES id found for gres/gpu:RTX3080:1”.


So, could be possible to apply limits I want to apply?





Daniel Ruiz Molina
Tčcnic Mitjā Informātic

Arquitectura de Computadors i Sistemes Operatius
Escola d'Enginyeria

Edifici Q - Despatx QC/3052 - Carrer de les Sitges
Campus de la UAB ˇ 08193 Bellaterra
(Cerdanyola del Vallčs) ˇ Barcelona ˇ Spain

+34 93 581 35 44
Daniel Ruiz at UAB


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