Many parameters in slurm can be changed via scontrol and sacctmgr commands without updating the conf itself. The thing is that scontrol commands are not durable across restarts. sacctmgr though update the slurmdb and thus will be sticky.

That's at least what I would do is that if you are using a QoS to manage this (which I am assuming you are), I would use sacctmgr.

As for a framework that does the state inspection, I'm not aware of one. You could do it via cron and batch scripts to do the state inspection. I don't know if some one has something more sophisticated though.

-Paul Edmon-

On 5/29/2024 11:05 AM, Heckes, Frank via slurm-users wrote:

Hello all,

I’m sorry if this has been asked and answered before, but I couldn’t find anything related.


Does anyone know whether a framework of sorts exists that allow to change certain SLURM configuration parameters provided some conditions in the batch system’s state are detected and of course are revert if the state became the old one again?

(To be more concrete: We like to raise or unset maxjobPU to run as much  small jobs as possible to allocate all nodes as soon as certain threshold of free nodes are available and of course some other scenarios)

Many thanks in advance.





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