

I want to run a simple test that uses one node and four cores. Also, in my script, I execute a binary that reports me in what core is running one of the four tasks. These are my files:



#SBATCH --job-name=test_jobs     # Job name

#SBATCH --output=test_job_%j.out    # Output file (using array index)

#SBATCH --error=test_job_%j.err     # Error file (using array index)

#SBATCH --ntasks=4

#SBATCH --ntasks-per-core=1

#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1             # Number of CPU cores per task


echo "START : $(date)"


srun -n1 -c1 check_cores >> output_small.txt &

srun -n1 -c1 check_cores >> output_small.txt &

srun -n1 -c1 check_cores >> output_small.txt &

srun -n1 -c1 check_cores >> output_small.txt &


# Wait for all jobs to finish before exiting the job submission script



echo "END : $(date)"


#include <stdio.h>



struct pstat


  int  pid;       //process id

  char tcomm[256];//filename of the executable

  char state[2];  //state (R is running, S is sleeping, D is sleeping in an

                  //uninterruptible wait, Z is zombie, T is traced or stopped)

  int ppid;//          process id of the parent process

  int pgrp;//          pgrp of the process

  int sid;//           session id

  int tty_nr;//        tty the process uses

  int tty_pgrp;//      pgrp of the tty

  int flags;//         task flags

  int min_flt;//       number of minor faults

  int cmin_flt;//      number of minor faults with child's

  int maj_flt;//       number of major faults

  int cmaj_flt;//      number of major faults with child's

  int utime;//         user mode jiffies

  int stime;//         kernel mode jiffies

  int cutime;//        user mode jiffies with child's

  int cstime;//        kernel mode jiffies with child's

  int priority;//      priority level

  int nice;//          nice level

  int num_threads;//   number of threads

  int it_real_value;//  (obsolete, always 0)

  int start_time;//    time the process started after system boot

  int vsize;//         virtual memory size

  int rss;//           resident set memory size

  int rsslim;//        current limit in bytes on the rss

  int start_code;//    address above which program text can run

  int end_code;//      address below which program text can run

  int start_stack;//   address of the start of the stack

  int esp;//           current value of ESP

  int eip;//           current value of EIP

  int pending;//       bitmap of pending signals

  int blocked;//       bitmap of blocked signals

  int sigign;//        bitmap of ignored signals

  int sigcatch;//      bitmap of catched signals

  int wchan;//         address where process went to sleep

  int i0;//             (place holder)

  int i1;//             (place holder)

  int exit_signal;//   signal to send to parent thread on exit

  int task_cpu;//      which CPU the task is scheduled on

  int rt_priority;//   realtime priority

  int policy;//        scheduling policy (man sched_setscheduler)

  int blkio_ticks;//   time spent waiting for block IO

  int gtime;//         guest time of the task in jiffies

  int cgtime;//        guest time of the task children in jiffies

} p ;


int main()


    char name[256];

    char state[8];

    FILE* f = fopen("/proc/self/stat", "r");

    char hostname[1024];


    gethostname(hostname, 1024);


    fscanf(f,  "%d%s%s%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d",

           &p.pid, &p.tcomm, &p.state, &p.ppid, &p.pgrp, &p.sid, &p.tty_nr, &p.tty_pgrp, &p.flags,

           &p.min_flt, &p.cmin_flt, &p.maj_flt, &p.cmaj_flt, &p.utime, &p.stime,  &p.cutime, &p.cstime,

           &p.priority, &p.nice, &p.num_threads, &p.it_real_value, &p.start_time,  &p.vsize, &p.rss,

           &p.rsslim, &p.start_code, &p.end_code, &p.start_stack, &p.esp, &p.eip,  &p.pending, &p.blocked,

           &p.sigign, &p.sigcatch, &p.wchan, &p.i0, &p.i1, &p.exit_signal,  &p.task_cpu, &p.rt_priority, &p.policy,

           &p.blkio_ticks, &p.gtime, &p.cgtime);

    sleep (15);

    printf("HOST %s\n", hostname);

    printf("CPU %d\n", p.task_cpu);

return 0;



When I run this script, I should receive an output like this:

HOST clus04.hpc.local


HOST clus04.hpc.local


HOST clus04.hpc.local


HOST clus04.hpc.local


because system has scheduled my job in node “clus04.hpc.local” (a node with two 6-cores processors) and has reserved cores 0-1 of each processor.


However, the real output I receive is

HOST clus04.hpc.local


HOST clus04.hpc.local


HOST clus04.hpc.local


HOST clus04.hpc.local


(and others outputs where there are one CPU repeated), so it seems SLURMs is reserving correctly four cores but, then, process is running two or more times in the same core.


Slurmctld.log file in server shows this information:


[2024-01-25T09:38:42.867] DEBUG: JobId=206129 node clus04 vpus 1 cpus 4

[2024-01-25T09:38:42.867] ====================

[2024-01-25T09:38:42.867] JobId=206129 nhosts:1 ncpus:4 node_req:1 nodes=clus04

[2024-01-25T09:38:42.867] Node[0]:

[2024-01-25T09:38:42.867]   Mem(MB):0:0  Sockets:2  Cores:6  CPUs:4:0

[2024-01-25T09:38:42.867]   Socket[0] Core[0] is allocated

[2024-01-25T09:38:42.867]   Socket[0] Core[1] is allocated

[2024-01-25T09:38:42.867]   Socket[1] Core[0] is allocated

[2024-01-25T09:38:42.867]   Socket[1] Core[1] is allocated

[2024-01-25T09:38:42.867] --------------------

[2024-01-25T09:38:42.867] cpu_array_value[0]:4 reps:1

[2024-01-25T09:38:42.867] ====================

[2024-01-25T09:38:42.867] DEBUG: Dump job_resources: nhosts 1 cb 0-1,6-7


[2024-01-25T09:38:58.213] _job_complete: JobId=206129 WEXITSTATUS 0

[2024-01-25T09:38:58.213] deallocate_nodes:  JobId=206129

[2024-01-25T09:38:58.213] DEBUG: Dump job_resources: nhosts 1 cb 0-1,6-7

[2024-01-25T09:38:58.213] _job_complete: JobId=206129 done


And slurmd.log file in node clus04 shows this information:


[2024-01-25T09:38:30.685] [206129.batch] debug:  task/cgroup: job abstract cores are '0-1,6-7'

[2024-01-25T09:38:30.685] [206129.batch] debug:  task/cgroup: step abstract cores are '0-1,6-7'

[2024-01-25T09:38:30.685] [206129.batch] debug:  task/cgroup: job physical cores are '0-1,6-7'

[2024-01-25T09:38:30.685] [206129.batch] debug:  task/cgroup: step physical cores are '0-1,6-7'


[2024-01-25T09:38:30.883] [206129.1] debug:  task/cgroup: job abstract cores are '0-1,6-7'

[2024-01-25T09:38:30.883] [206129.1] debug:  task/cgroup: step abstract cores are '0-1,6-7'

[2024-01-25T09:38:30.883] [206129.1] debug:  task/cgroup: job physical cores are '0-1,6-7'

[2024-01-25T09:38:30.883] [206129.1] debug:  task/cgroup: step physical cores are '0-1,6-7'


[2024-01-25T09:38:30.911] [206129.0] debug:  task/cgroup: job abstract cores are '0-1,6-7'

[2024-01-25T09:38:30.911] [206129.0] debug:  task/cgroup: step abstract cores are '0-1,6-7'

[2024-01-25T09:38:30.911] [206129.0] debug:  task/cgroup: job physical cores are '0-1,6-7'

[2024-01-25T09:38:30.911] [206129.0] debug:  task/cgroup: step physical cores are '0-1,6-7'


[2024-01-25T09:38:30.912] [206129.2] debug:  task/cgroup: job abstract cores are '0-1,6-7'

[2024-01-25T09:38:30.912] [206129.2] debug:  task/cgroup: step abstract cores are '0-1,6-7'

[2024-01-25T09:38:30.912] [206129.2] debug:  task/cgroup: job physical cores are '0-1,6-7'

[2024-01-25T09:38:30.912] [206129.2] debug:  task/cgroup: step physical cores are '0-1,6-7'


[2024-01-25T09:38:30.922] [206129.3] debug:  task/cgroup: job abstract cores are '0-1,6-7'

[2024-01-25T09:38:30.922] [206129.3] debug:  task/cgroup: step abstract cores are '0-1,6-7'

[2024-01-25T09:38:30.922] [206129.3] debug:  task/cgroup: job physical cores are '0-1,6-7'

[2024-01-25T09:38:30.922] [206129.3] debug:  task/cgroup: step physical cores are '0-1,6-7'


It seems that SLURM is reserving me correctly four cores for my job but, when inside my script I run four “srun”, then each srun can freely take one of the four reserved cores, not exactly one to each task.


What am I doing wrong?


Thanks a lot!