So the Spyder IDE has this great feature to connect a local/laptop/workstation to a spyder-kernels session. If a user starts an interactive, e.g., srun session, they end up on a compute node which is on one of our older clusters without the pam_slurm_adopt module. Is there a way with a library like Parmiko or this slurmjob package?
if [[ -v SSH_AUTH_SOCK ]];
if [[ ${SSH_AUTH_SOCK} =~ vscode ]];
[ -f ~/.code-tunnel-env.bash ] && source ~/.code-tunnel-env.bash
Is there a way to work around the restriction of non admins to connect to the spyder-kernel session? Is there anything similar to
batchspawner for Jupyterhub?
Unless anyone knows of an archive for Slurm slurm-ohpc-18.08 that includes pam_adopt?