If I’m not mistaken, the manual for slurm.conf or one of the others lists either what action is needed to change every option, or has a combined list of what requires what (I can never remember and would have to look it up anyway).

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On May 16, 2024, at 23:16, Ratnasamy, Fritz via slurm-users <slurm-users@lists.schedmd.com> wrote:


 What is the "official" process to remove nodes safely? I have drained the nodes so jobs are completed and put them in down state after they are completely drained. 
I edited the slurm.conf file to remove the nodes. After some time, I can see that the nodes were removed from the partition with the command sinfo

However, I was told I might need to restart the service slurmctld, do you know if it is necessary? Should I also run scontrol reconfig?

Fritz Ratnasamy

Data Scientist

Information Technology

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