

In my HPC center, I found a SLURM job that was submitted with --gres=gpu:6 whereas the cluster has only four GPUs per node each. It is a parallel job. Here are some relevant field printout:


AllocCPUS                                      30

AllocGRES                                   gpu:6

AllocTRES     billing=30,cpu=30,gres/gpu=6,node=3

CPUTime                                1-01:23:00

CPUTimeRAW                                  91380

Elapsed                                  00:50:46

JobID                                       20073

JobIDRaw                                    20073

JobName                               simple_cuda

NCPUS                                          30

NGPUS                                         6.0


What happened in this case? This job was asking for 3 nodes, 10 core per node. When the user specified “--gres=gpu:6”, does this mean six GPUs for the entire job, or six GPUs per node? Per the description in https://slurm.schedmd.com/gres.html#Running_Jobs, it says: gres is “Generic resources required per node”. So it is illogical to request six GPUs per node. So what happened? Did SLURM quietly ignore the request and grant just one, or grant the max number (4)? Because apparently the job ran without error.


Wirawan Purwanto
Computational Scientist, HPC Group
Information Technology Services
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529