Hello Chris,


Thanks for your reply. It makes me look into the file system where I was building the slurm rpm packages.


It looks like the error in my case has something to do with our file system. I was building those rpm packages on a test file system, which is not completely functional and the group membership for all files are nobody. Once I switched to our production file system, the building process went smoothly.


Thanks for your input. The error I see may not be the same as what you had on the Cray system, but it shed some lights on the troubleshooting direction.


Have a great day,




From: Chris Samuel via slurm-users <slurm-users@lists.schedmd.com>
Date: Sunday, February 23, 2025 at 12:09
To: slurm-users@lists.schedmd.com <slurm-users@lists.schedmd.com>
Subject: [slurm-users] Re: Please help - Building Slurm-24.11.1 Failed

On 22/2/25 9:04 pm, Zhang, Yuan via slurm-users wrote: > I got errors about missing perl modules when building slurm24.11.1 rpm > packages.  Has anyone seen this error before? And how to fix it? If my memory serves ne right I would see


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On 22/2/25 9:04 pm, Zhang, Yuan via slurm-users wrote:
> I got errors about missing perl modules when building slurm24.11.1 rpm 
> packages.  Has anyone seen this error before? And how to fix it?
If my memory serves ne right I would see those same errors when building 
Slurn for Cray XC in a chroot into an OS image that it was needed for.
The weird thing was it would only happen the very first time it was 
built in that chroot, every time after that (in the same OS image) it 
would work. Never did get to the bottom of what the cause was and those 
systems are gone now.
Why Perl specifically I have no idea, it's not like it changes all the time!
Chris Samuel  :  https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.csamuel.org/__;!!NiUAmZJ8c1GNWg!S5PSsDPpios94xnLUbG4J7GbcwSuhcKuIZhFUlhfXmiueo5Ho0sIS5acj_wbb65dnO7-T-iGtxDZTNoakC7X8fLy5tkilq1aeeUPmu8$  :  Berkeley, CA, USA
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