[slurm-users] Deb packages for Ubuntu

Markus Kötter koetter at cispa.de
Thu Jul 21 14:10:52 UTC 2022


I maintain debian packages for

   * slurm
   * auks
   * pyxis


   * debian bullseye
   * ubuntu bionic / 18.04 (DGXOS 4.x)
   * ubuntu focal / 20.04 (DGXOS 5.x)

I (think I) started of using the scibian packages and moved to gpb, 
using gitlab & the ci.
Every "version" has it's own branch, for SLURM the ci builds the packages.
auks & pyxis is left for the local docker container as it requires the 
SLURM libs to compile/link.

It allows tracking upstream, maintaining patches for auks.

Should have chosen github in the first place.

Markus Kötter, +49 681 870832434
30159 Hannover, Lange Laube 6
Helmholtz Center for Information Security
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