[slurm-users] Node status (without repeats)

Borchert, Christopher B ERDC-RDE-ITL-MS CIV Christopher.B.Borchert at erdc.dren.mil
Mon Aug 8 17:14:03 UTC 2022

Hello. How can I simply show the status of a node in Slurm? It repeats the
same output per partition even when the partition column isn't included.

$ sinfo -N -o '%N %a %t'
roy-r1-cp15b up idle
roy-r1-cp15b up idle
roy-r1-cp15b up idle
roy-r1-cp15b up idle
roy-r1-cp15b up idle
roy-r1-cp15b up idle
roy-r1-cp15b up idle
roy-r1-cp15b up idle
roy-r1-cp15b up idle
roy-r1-cp15b up idle
roy-r1-cp15b up idle
roy-r1-cp15b up idle

-------------- next part --------------
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